Hello & thanks for stopping by!
This little blog of mine is a sort of living scrapbook of the things that I love, and some things I feel worth sharing. I love to cook, because I love to eat! I think it’s awesome we can enjoy something that is a necessity to life! I cook mostly vegan foods. Don’t be scared! It’s still food, and trust me, I eat well! I don’t want to be an activist for veganism, because even I’m put off if someone tries to shove it down my throat, but rather I would hope that the way I cook just gives a little inspiration to others to cut down on meat. For me being a vegetarian is important for two reasons. The first is health. There is an overwhelming amount of research that links eating meat to serious health conditions (diabetes, cancer, heart attacks, etc) – just read The China Study and Forks Over Knives to see the facts. The second is because I don’t want to take a life for a meal. I would never eat a puppy for dinner, so why should I eat a lamb? Or chicken? Or anything with a face? I don’t live in a country where it’s necessary for me to eat meat in order to survive, so I put my health and my love for animals first.
I also love to make things. There’s just something thrilling about being the creator of a gift, a piece of art, something practical that you’ll use everyday.
(& I love that I love these two things.)
In the big wide world on the web, I know there are like-minded, kindred spirits out there. So please stop by and say hi! It’s always nice to know people are enjoying what I share.
Kimanh, blogging from Brisbane, Australia.