Fridays at the Port Vila market are the best! It's the last weekday before hundreds of church services are conducted over the weekend, so that means the markets are overflowing with flowers!
I grabbed a bunch of flowers last Friday without even knowing what I picked up. I wonder, have you figured out what that unique purple flower is in the bouquet? I only realise once I arrived home!
The moment Mark saw the floral arrangement he asked, "Are they bananas?" If you could imagine a man asking that with the look of male-confusion and why-are-there-bananas-in-a-vase-on-our-table look, then you could pick up the tone in his voice. Sheesh, it's pretty, I said. "Actually, I didn't even realise what they were until I brought them," I admitted.
You can see in the photo above I'm opening a flower petal. It's between the petals that the banana fruit grows. Isn't that amazing? I'm 28 and had no idea how bananas came from the banana flower until this year.
I've said it before, but just incase you're new here, I'll say it again. This bouquet cost me $2. Haven't paid more for a bouquet since being here.
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