There’s something really special about food that is cooked with love… There’s a calming deliciousness to it – did that even make sense? It did to me… A sure sign that a dish has been cooked with love, is when for no other reason than the pure pleasure of it, the dish been styled to be pretty. No, not ultra minimalistic, chic, stylish or savvy, just pretty… here’s hoping again that you get my drift. Easy Carved Radish Flowers One of the easiest vegetables to carve, with the x-pretty-factor is the humble radish. Radishes have a lovely coloured skin, contrasted with its perfect white flesh on the inside. If you’ve never carved anything before, start with this lesson, practice, and you’ll be set to create your own in no time. Use a knife that is very sharp, short and thin. If you want to make a small investment, a quick search (for vegetable carving knife) on Amazon will get you started.
Before you start, make sure you soak your radish in some cool water for a few hours before starting. This will make the radish firmer and fresher.
Step 1: Cut the end off the bottom of the radish. Decide how many outer petals you want the flower to have, and mentally draw the lines where you’re planning to cut (see yellow lines above).
Step 2: Using the knife, cut the petals down to the top of the radish. It’s important to follow the curve of the radish. You may need to practice a few times before getting evenly cut petals. If you want the petals to spread out more, gently work them with your thumb between the petal and the centre of the flower. Step 3: Cut the petals to shape with some scissors. Use scissors with a small blade. Step 4: Repeat the last two steps on the bulb that has been left in the middle. This time cut the petals so they are in between the outer petals. That’s the basic flower! Once you’ve mastered these flowers, you’ll find it easier to make up your own as you go! Any questions, let me know 🙂